Thursday, August 28, 2008

less chips, more fruit!....

Just in case there are those of you who don't already know this. I need to lose a few pounds...ok..maybe a little more than a few. According to my Dr. about 40 should do I always mean to be good, really I do! My intentions are wonderful...until about 4pm...then I get this uncontrollable urge to sit on my butt and eat potato chips!! Of course, this does tend to make the aforementioned butt even larger...more stable I prefer to think of it...what do skinny people have to sit on???? Must be painful!!!!
Anyway, I had my yearly checkup a couple weeks ago...I explained why instead of losing 40 pounds i had gained 5..I earnestly explained about the chips....then I smiled figuring she would just smile back and tell me to try a little harder...instead, she said...forcefully...less chips, more fruit!! Yikes!

A little happier starts next week!!! Can a get a "YooooooooooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
Lol..Alec, of course, is not nearly as happy about this as I am. We had 7th grad orientation the other day. You know the drill..met the teachers, got his class schedule and his locker...practiced opening the locker! He does have 3 classes with his best friend Colton this year and that makes him a little happier. The only real argument we are having is about his hair. For years now he has kept his hair really really short. His idea and I was perfectly happy with it. Now for some unknown reason , he has decided he wants to wear it long. Heaven help us! I prefer his hair short, mainly because he doesnt like to comb it....and he doesnt comb it unless i sit on him with a brush...*bet he starts chanting less chips, more fruit!* Oh well..the teenage years are approaching...beginning in September...guess I'll have to get used to never being right again.

Other than that, there isnt anything new going on. And if there had been, I would have forgotten it. I've been meaning to call the dentist office more about 2 or 3 weeks now to give them my new insurance information.Also been meaning to make dentist and dr. appt for Alec so he can play sports this year(he wants to run track)..and theres something else I'm supposed to got it..i cant remember! And before you laugh Susan,,,remember you have the same DNA and it will someday happen to you!!

Well, thats all from Michigan tonite..



Susan said...

it may very well happen to me, but what i WILL remember (at least every time we talk) is to remind you "less chips, more fruit". haha.